Part three is about literatures being reviewed which are relevant to the topic in hand. The review allows highlighting the background and justification for doing this research. Several pieces of literature have been searcher to identify the problem being researched as well as identifying gaps in the literature. Eight studies have been selected with a wide range of themes and theories but all ending up with the effectiveness of school administration and student’s achievements. Though the studies are written in a different viewpoint against the chosen topic, they provide detailed explanation on the ground i.e. Tanzania and Sub-Saharan’s perspectives. Other studies give a limited analysis on the effectiveness of school administration and also student’s achievements. Lastly, some relevant experiences have been pulled in from Netherland and Nigeria. Hence, the studies allows the researcher to carry on from where other authors have researched as well as identifying writers on school administration and student’s achievements. All in all, the review allows the researched to increase her breadth of knowledge on educational administration in Zanzibar, Tanzania