The study of an effectiveness of school administration in Zanzibar – Tanzania in line with student’s achievement can be a learning paradigm to enhance the educational and administrative personals’ knowledge and management skills as well. This is but a small contribution on the effectiveness of a school administration that not only a thorough analysis of the present school administration will be done but what kind of a school administration is needed for Zanzibar that will achieve the perception of students and needs of the society at large. Seeing that ineffective school administration pulls back the achievement of students in Zanzibar, a restructured policy and strengthening human and capital resources recommended by this study will definitely increase student’s achievement in that students and the administrators, will be guaranteed to an integration that will achieve better educational level.
The central interest of this research is to make an analysis on the effectiveness of school administration in Tanzania and how it affects student’s achievement. Hence, the focus directly falls upon studying practices, experiences, and policies of education in Zanzibar – Tanzania. However, there are several limitations which may affect aspects of the research that fall beyond the control of the researcher. Materials on effectiveness of school administration and those of student’s achievement
Effectiveness of School Administration in Zanzibar/ Aysha Ahmada Mzee J. Asian Afr. soc. sci. humanit., Vol.1, No. 3, 2015, Pages 1-19
which are relevant to this study for Zanzibar are not readily available and accessible. This is proved by the nominal researches on Zanzibar educational administration with emphasis on student’s achievement. As an international student, collection of data in Tanzania will accumulate time and financial costs, a burden that will largely affect the research and findings. Apart from requesting the Zanzibar authorities and school administrators to reveal their information, these limitations can additionally be overcome by analyzing resources that are available online such as journal articles, news and statistics. Also, experience from other relevant countries can be studied to shorten the limitation.