8 Golongan Asnaf yang Layak Menerima Wang ZakatFirman Allah swt dalam  การแปล - 8 Golongan Asnaf yang Layak Menerima Wang ZakatFirman Allah swt dalam  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

8 Golongan Asnaf yang Layak Menerim

8 Golongan Asnaf yang Layak Menerima Wang Zakat
Firman Allah swt dalam surah at Taubah ayat 60 bermaksud:
“Sesungguhnya sedekah-sedekah (zakat) itu hanya untuk orang-orang fakir dan orang-orang miskin dan amil-amil dan muallaf yang dijinakkan hati-hati mereka dan hamba-hamba yang hendak memerdekakan dan orang-orang berhutang dan untuk (dibelanjakan pada jalan Allah dan orang-orang musafir (yang keputusan) dalam perjalanan”.
1. Fakir (al Fuqara) – adalah orang yang tiada harta pendapatan yang mencukupi untuknya dan keperluannya. Tidak mempunyai keluarga untuk mencukupkan nafkahnya seperti makanan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal. Contohnya ia memerlukan RM10 sehari tetapi hanya mampu RM3 sahaja.
2. Miskin (al-Masakin) – mempunyai kemampuan usaha untuk mendapatkan keperluan hidupnya akan tetapi tidak mencukupi sepenuhnya seperti ia memerlukan RM10 tetapi hanya memperoleh RM8.
3. Amil – orang yang dilantik untuk memungut dan mengagih wang zakat.
4. Muallaf – seseorang yang baru memeluk agama Islam.
5. Riqab – seseorang yang terbelenggu dan tiada kebebasan diri.
6. Gharimin – penghutang muslim yang tidak mempunyai sumber untuk menjelaskan hutang yang diharuskan oleh syarak pada perkara asasi untuk diri dan tanggungjawab yang wajib ke atasnya.
7. Fisabilillah – orang yang berjuang, berusaha dan melakukan aktiviti untuk menegakkan dan meninggikan agama Allah.
8. Ibnus Sabil – musafir yang kehabisan bekalan dalam perjalanan atau semasa memulakan perjalanan dari negaranya yang mendatangkan pulangan yang baik kepada Islam dan umatnya atau orang Islam yang tiada perbekalan di jalanan.

จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
8 The Asnaf eligible receive money of ZakatThe word Allah in surah at Taubah verse 60 means:"Indeed, charity-Charity (zakat) is only for those of the poor and the poor and the needy, needy and burdened tamed their careful and servants to be free and people owe and to (spend on Allah's way and the wayfarers (the results) in the course of".1. Poor (the Fuqara) – is a person who does not have sufficient income property for him and his needs. Do not have families to make nafkahnya such as food, clothing and shelter. For example it requires RM10 per day but can only RM3 only.2. Poor (al-Masakin) – have the ability to get the needs of her life but not enough fully as it requires 10,000 but only RM8.3. Amil – person appointed to collect and distribute zakat money.4. American – a person who recently converted to Islam.5. Riqab – someone who is terbelenggu and there are no personal freedom.6. Gharimin – debtor Muslims who do not have the resources to pay debts which are required by Islamic law on the Foundation for self and the responsibility incumbent upon him.7. Fisabilillah airport – those who are fighting, working and doing activities to uphold and to exalt the religion of God.8. Ibnus Sabil – travelling that run out of supplies in the course of or while traveling from the country that generate good returns to Islam and its followers or believers there are supply in the streets.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
8 eligible recipients receive Zakat Fund
Allah says in Surah at-Tawbah verse 60 says:
"Verily alms (zakat) is only for the poor and the needy and amil and whose tame carefully and their slaves to be freed and people owe and to (spend on the path of Allah and the people traveling (the decision) in transit ".
1. Fakir (al Fuqara) - is a person who has no wealth sufficient income for her and requirements. Not having a family to make a living such as food, clothing and shelter. For example, it requires RM10 a day but was only able to RM3.
2. Poor (al-Masakin) - have the ability to attempt to get her life needs to be fully adequate but not as but it need only obtain RM8 to RM10.
3. Amil - the person appointed to collect and distribute zakat money.
4. Convert - someone new to Islam.
5. Riqab - someone who is tied up and no personal freedom.
6. Gharimin - Muslim debtors who do not have the resources to pay off the debt as required by the legislation on fundamental things for ourselves and responsibilities shall be to the top.
7. Fisabilillah - people who are struggling, striving and doing activities to enforce and exalt the religion of God.
8. Ibnus Sabil - a journey that lack of supplies in the course or during the journey from his country who bring good returns to Islam and Muslims or Muslims who are no provisions in the street.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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